Annual Meeting Name of Association(Required) Are you able to attend the annual conference? Yes No Attendee InformationDues pay for two attendees. Please list them and their titles below.Name(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name First Last Title Will other guest be attending?Dues cover only the Director and one other person. Please list guests for whom you will send $300 each. Yes No Additional GuestsHow many additional guests will be attending?(Required)Select how many123456Name 1(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name 2(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name 3(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name 4(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name 5(Required) First Last Title(Required) Name 6(Required) First Last Title(Required) Conference InformationHow many will attend the Thursday night reception at the hotel?(Required)Select One0123456How many in your party will attend the Friday morning excursion?(Required)Select One0123456How many will attend the Friday night dinner?(Required)Select One0123456How many will attend the Saturday morning spouse's trip?(Required)Select One0123456How many will attend the Saturday night event?(Required)Select One0123456Please list any topics you wish to be discussed at the roundtable discussions:Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Total CostTotal Δ